USB Kabeln mit TTL/RS232 Pegelumsetzer

USB to UART Cable, Chip: Cp2102/ FT232RL

USB to UART/TTL Bridge Kabel(VCP). Geeignet für serieller Kommunikation zwischen PC/Notebook und MCU-gesteuerte Module/Geräte

* 5P/5V
* 6P/5V
* 6P/3V

Pin out:
- 5Pin: GND, 5V, Rx, Tx, RES
- 6Pin: GND, CTS, 3V(5V), TXD, RXD, RTS

* Chip: Cp2102, FT232RL, u. Kundenspezifisch
* Virtual COM Port (VCP)
* Baud rates: 300bps - 1,5Mbps
* TTL connector: 2,54mm, 6P(5P)
* USB connector: Type A male
* Length: 1,8m
* Compatibility: Windows, Linux, Mac OS, WinCE, Android
* USB 2.0 compliant

The drivers for Cp2102 can be downloaded from Silicon Laboratories Inc.

USB to UART Kabel 5P/5V USB/UART Kabel, USB powered, 1,8m 7,97 EUR

USB to UART Kabel 6P/3V USB/UART Kabel, USB powered, 1,8m 7,97 EUR

USB to UART Kabel 6P/5V USB/UART Kabel, USB powered, 1,8m 7,97 EUR

USB/UART FTDI Kabel 6P/3V USB/UART Kabel,FTDI, USB powered, 3V3 9,62 EUR

USB/UART FTDI Kabel 6P/5V USB/UART Kabel,FTDI, USB powered, 3V3 9,62 EUR